Friday, December 31, 2010

Ch4_1 #1


Anonymous said...

I'm having some trouble getting this problem right.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure I'm doing right this problem (I did exactly what professor told to do) but it keeps saying "try again".............
1) add additional vector (unlabeled)by copying one of existing vectors (F1 or F2)
2) move the unlabeled vector to another vector head (head to tail)
3) then add vector F3
4) draw F3 from the dot to the head of unlabeled vector

am I doing it right?

Anonymous said...

I am having the same issue as the second poster.

Anonymous said...

Re all:
What I see described by 9/20 1:18 pm is the vector sum of the two original vectors F1,2. ou have to cancel this sum by the vector F3.

Anonymous said...

The vector F3 should be opposite the vector sum of F1 and F2 thus draw the vector sum the oppisite direction to cancel out Vectors F1&F2