Saturday, September 25, 2010

Ch5_1 #2

Convert the rpm (= revolutions per minute) into radians/sec. Multiplying by t gives you the angle swept through in radians. What do you have to do with the initial angle ?
Don't forget that the problem asks for an answer between 0 and 2pi.


Anonymous said...

I think I have everything right except I have forgotten how to express the final answer between 0 and 2pi. can someone help me?

Anonymous said...

how do you convert rpm into radians/sec..thanks

Anonymous said...

how many revolutions are in a radian?????????????????????????

Anonymous said...

Help! I have converted from rpm to rads/sec and I have the velocity (I guess0 in rad /sec/ when I multiply by the time, I get radians. What do I do from here?

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I converted 76rpm to 7.95 rad/sec then multiplied by 8.0sec and got 63.6rads. Added the initial angle 0.45 rad to get 64.05. Divided that by 2pi...and it's wrong! What am I doing wrong????

Allen said...

When the final answer is between 0 and 2pi, that means your answer must be between 0 and 6.283.

RPM stands for revolutions per minute. 1 revolution means to go around a circle 1 time. A circle has 2pi radians.

When you have the rad/sec, you can find how many times the turntable has rotated. Remember, whether it turns 1 time, 5 times, or 1000 times, it will end up at the original position, as long as the number of turns is a whole number. Remember, your answer must be between 0 and 6.283.