Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ch5_3 #3

See Ch 5 Sheet 12. Replace the circle shown by the equator and visualize the man standing on the equator. The pole is the center of the circle. The man is held in orbit by the Centripetal Force which is the vector sum of the Normal Force by the earth on the man and the gravitational force . Write down this vector equation paying attention to the relative signs of the vectors. The apparent weight is the Normal Force.


Anonymous said...

I'm very confused on this one. Would the centripetal force on the man equal mg + m(g - a)? And do you have to look up Earth's rotational velocity and radius so that you can solve for a and get the apparent weight? Or are you not supposed to need to look things up in this problem? I've looked at the notes but can't make anything work out to get the right answer.

Anonymous said...

If you do the math, it turns out that the difference is about 34 percent. So just multiply by 34 percent.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, do you mean the difference of g - a?

Anonymous said...

Never mind, I got it.

Unknown said...

I'm still lost on this one...
Do use T=8.6X10^4s to help get v?

Unknown said...

Never mind I got it now.

Anonymous said...

did you use T,v, r, to get ac because I tried that but still can't get the right answer. Please help