Friday, November 12, 2010

Ch 11_3 #1

Recall that a flow given as a volume per unit time. Do not forget to convert flow into SI units.
Then find the speed of the flow.


Erica said...

Look at pg 421 in the text. The example 13.10 explains everything clearly

Anonymous said...

I found Q by doing 400L/342seconds and got 1.6959. Then I used the equation v=Q/pi(r^2) and did 1.6959/pi(.0065^2) and got the wrong answer of 12779.95. Whats wrong?

Anonymous said...

nevermind i got it6hrs later...

Anonymous said...

It feels like what Anon1 did should be right but it's totally off and there's no help anywhere or other similar problems. This is ridiculous

Anonymous said...

you have to convert liters to m^3