Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ch 12_3 #3

Use the same formula as before, but remember that nitrogen is diatomic gas and thus you have to use correct molar mass.


Anonymous said...

I am squaring the speed, 35, then multiplying that by the mass, 28, then dividing by 2 in order to get the KE. Once I have that I multiply it by (2/3) then divide by k, 1.38*10^-23. That should Give me Tk but I am repetedly getting the same wrong answer. Does anybody see what I am doing wrong?

Anonymous said...

make sure everything is in SI including molar mass

Anonymous said...

Thanks. I changed the molar mass to .0282(kg) and I got a different answer but it was still not right. I am getting a very large positive number and I think the answer should be a very Cold temperature. I don't know what to do differently. Has anybody gotten this one yet?

Prof. Tsybychev said...

28 is atomic unit but in this case you need to use SI units i.e. kg for a Nitrogen molecule (since this is what you dealing with) find a kinetci energy, then you calculate temperature. Note that this velocity is very small for molecules/atoms so you temperature should be low.

Anonymous said...

I converted the 28 amu of N2 gas to kg by multiplying it by 1.66*10^27 and i am getting a low temp but i'm still getting it wrong. What am I doing wrong?

Anonymous said...

I played around with the answer I got from using just a single atom of N and my answer was near that. What the fuck?

Malorie said...

"I converted the 28 amu of N2 gas to kg by multiplying it by 1.66*10^27 and i am getting a low temp but i'm still getting it wrong. What am I doing wrong?"

--> avogadro's number is 1.66*10^-27
you should get the right answer now if you use the vrms equation. The temp will be less than 1 K

Anonymous said...

T = (m * v^2) / 3k

Prof. Tsybychev said...

We did a similar problem today in class we were asked to find a kinetic energy and the rms velocity. Now you are given rms velocity, thus find kinetic energy, and from it calculate the temperature. Look at today lecture notes.