Monday, October 18, 2010

Ch9 1 #4

Use the definitions on sheets 4 - 6.


Anonymous said...

I can't figure out parts b and c.
I'm plugging in my value 1.1 Hz for T and my 28cm value for x0 for the maximum velocity equation v0=(2*pie/T)*x0 but I still get an incorrect answer. Same with the maximum acceleration equation a0=(2pie/T)^2 * x0. Is this incorrect?

Anonymous said...

how do we do parts b and c??

Anonymous said...

Hz means frequency not period. Use T=1/f to get T.

Anonymous said...

The distance is just the distance they give you. For the other two, use page 6, eq. 9.2 and 9.3. Don't use the trig equations; use the one next to it. Then, the x0 is just your distance, the answer for the first one.