Sunday, September 12, 2010

Ch3_2 #3

See Ch 3 Sheet 16''': the sketch on the left and the example on Sheet 16 is the case
of this problem. The ducks head at a appropriate angle into the wind, such that they actually fly due South. (If you rotate the figure on Sheet 16 or 16''' by 180 degrees you have the directions as given in the problem here.) The solid vectors give the velocity vectors relative to the ground, i.e. Vbg ("b" for bird) is the velocity vector pointing where the birds actually goe - not where they head which is the direction of the dashed velocity vector Vbw ("w" for wind). Identify the 2 given velocity vectors in your problem, make the sketch as on Sheet 16''' and place the velocity values given into the sketch. As is describesd on Sheet 16'' the triangle with a right angle in it allows the application of your "SOHCAHTOA" right away to get the angle, without going through the detailed setup of the vector equations on Sheet 16'. Notice that you need your calculator set to degrees in order to get the angle in degrees as asked for.

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