Monday, September 13, 2010

Lab 2 Prep #7

There is a missing figure which you don't really need. The hints in the text of the question tells you what to do. What is the constant factor "a" in (1.3) in your case where v=(1/t)d ? How do you convert a relative error into an absolute error (see (1.4))?


Anonymous said...

I cant see the figure on my computer is it needed to solve the problem?

CC said...

Can somebody help me on where to start with this one or explain it a little better? I am lost!

Anonymous said...

I have no idea how to complete this problem. I did every other problem and i've tried multiple ways to complete even the first part of #7 but everything I get is wrong. Even if the figure was there I think it would help because that'd how I understood #6, but I cant see the figure either.

Anonymous said...

Re all:
The figure is a picture showing how d is defined , namely from one leading edge of the tape to the next leading edge, not really needed at all to do the question. (It is posted in the Blackboard announcements now for completeness).
Write down equation (1.3): Delta(ax)/(ax)=Deltax/x and identify "a" in v=(1/t)d here. ((1/t) is assumed to be error free and thus is treated as a constant.)
Since (1.3) gives a relative error you have to convert it to an absolute error using (1.4)