Sunday, September 26, 2010

CH5_3 #1

See Ch 5 Sheet 26. Write down the difference deltag = g_e - g' with g_e and g' replaced by their corresponding expressions on Sheet 26. (deltag is the given numerical value). Note that you can write for the expression for g': GM/(Re+h)^2 = (GM/Re^2)/(1+h/Re)^2 = g_e/(1+h/Re)^2. Use this and solve for h.


Anonymous said...

i understand this approach and method, but how did you derive this part: (GM/Re^2)/(1+h/Re)^2, to be exact how did you get (1+h/Re)^2? thanks

Anonymous said...

I put 9.0em/s^2= G(Me/Re^2) - G(Me/(Re+h)^2
I plugged 6.67e-11 in for G
Is that right?
What is Me and Re?